Maureen Hager

She is Someone’s Daughter – A Look at Modern Day Slavery

hand tied down

This month is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. There is no better time to learn more about human trafficking in America and to help spread the word.

[bctt tweet=”Human Trafficking is a Modern-Day form of Slavery. Trafficking of humans is the second-largest criminal industry in the world after drug dealing and is the fastest-growing. ” username=””]

If you are seeking information, Rent BLIND EYES OPENED today on Prime Video. A first-of-a-kind Christian documentary that dives deep into the sex trafficking industry in the U.S. The film exposes the darkness that fuels demand, highlights survivors’ transformations through Christ, engages lawmakers, law enforcement, organizations, ministries, and experts across the country committed to ending the atrocities, all while showing Christ as the hope for all involved. (Geoffrey Rogers, Director) I highly recommend it!

While many believe that children’s commercial sexual exploitation only occurs overseas, the truth is it is a horrific reality in the United States. It is estimated that 100,000 domestic children are victims of sex trafficking in the United States.

What can we, as Christians, do to make a difference? …and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

  • Educate yourself on this issue. Learn as much as possible about what life is like for victims. Then educate others.
  • Learn how to identify a victim and where to report it. The National Human Trafficking Hotline – 1-888-373-7888. (Put it in your cellphone).
  • Pray and raise awareness.
  • Volunteer and Mentor in your community.
  • Donate your time and resources.
  • Support state and federal legislation.

Visit my resource page for lots more information and links to organizations fighting injustice.

Thank you, Lord, you are our Hope!

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