Maureen Hager

Is God Working All Things Together for Good?

good things ahead

We know we have victory over sin and Satan, but Romans 8:28 teaches us we can have victory over our circumstances. What a promise!  This verse does not affirm that all things are good or all things work together for the good of all people. Remember, this verse only applies to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

Good ThingsThrough tragedies caused by sin’s presence in the world, God will accomplish His purposes in the lives of those who believe in Him. We may not understand God’s good intentions behind the pain and suffering. After all, don’t we all want to live in comfortable circumstances and escape hardship? Align your will with God’s purpose, trust Him – His kingdom plans are always for good.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” ~Romans 8:28

I have experienced God’s never-ending love and overwhelming grace. As a victim in a rival biker gang war, I was confined to a hospital bed for months. Two crippling bullets from M16 rifles tore my life apart. The trauma from my injuries devastated me. My body and soul were permanently scarred. I was overwhelmed by brokenness, hopelessness, and sorrow over what the future would hold.

My life would never be the same again. I questioned why God let me live. I had no idea the Lord’s salvation and restoration were waiting for me on the other side of a long and painful journey.

Jesus Loves You

God puts others in our lives to reach us in our pit of despair and sorrow. When a friend came to visit me, I was shocked to see her transformation from gang life. She invited me to go to church with her the next Sunday and reluctantly I agreed to go. I experienced firsthand God’s love and forgiveness that night. I asked Him to be my Lord and Savior. From that moment on, I dedicated my life to Jesus. I surrendered my sorrow, my guilt, and my shame. I’m so glad Jesus meets us where we are. He didn’t ask me to change before I came to Him. All He wanted was for me to trust Him with my life.

Thank you, Lord, that you will bring beauty from ashes. I trust you with the broken pieces of my heart.

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Thanks for sharing!

Love and Blessings, Maureen

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Maureen Hager

Maureen Hager